“at the still point of the turning world. the still point there the dance is”
T.S Eliot
Connection feels lacking on so many levels in this present crisis so I want to share a little about my approach and hope you can take something from it.
Gravity and breath are a good starting point. Simply standing and connecting with the earth beneath your feet (Tadasana) to experience the body’s response to gravity and the spine’s response to the breath. Giving time and space for sensations to arise. When we bring attention to the body and breath we tap into the body’s natural intelligence through a deepening awareness. The earth is pulling us from below but we resist it. Over time in the state of a passive, receptive awareness we yield; a deep letting go of habitual patterns held in body and mind. In time we let the exhalation drop into itself and here we become the still space within, connecting us to our true nature.
A very simple gesture that I use when I’m either stressed or anxious;
Place a hand on your heart, just be with the sensations that arise through connection.
The skin of your hand, the touch of your hand against your body.
Say something reassuring/kind to yourself.
Remember to breathe!
Be with the breath as in arises in you, gently letting go and exhaling before any strain is felt.
The breath slows down and deepens naturally.
Simply be with the sensations of the breath rising and falling, don’t force anything.
There is a still space within that wants to be found.