This is a sequence that I love. It grounds the body and calms the nervous system. It creates a space of stillness to drop into.
Settle into Tadasana with hands in Namaste.
Breathe into the hands, allowing them to melt into one another; feel the skin to skin contact. Let energy travel from the hands, through the arms and into the spine.
Put the attention into the space between the hands and the spine; the heart space.
Take time to be with the sensation.As you release the hands be mindful of the energy between them.
Take a resting breath in, and as you exhale release down the spine into the heels.
Let arms rest, taking a few breaths in Tadasana.On the next inhalation rock up onto the toes and release the arms up to the sky.
As you exhale drop into the heels and release the arms to return to rest.
Let the breath lead the movement; follow the impulse.
On the next inhale bring one hand to the heart and one to the abdomen.
On the exhale feel the hand soften into the heart space.
Take a few breaths here.
As you give loving kindness to yourself feel the energy of the heart radiating out.
In your own time let.the head drop towards the chest, softly and slowly rolling down through the spine one vertebrae at a time, to come into a forward bend, Uttanasana (releasing the arms so they hang).
Be sure to let the knees soften.
Use the exhalation to support the lower back; dropping the navel towards the spine.
Take a resting breath in uttanasana (if it’s comfortable).
Notice how the upper body moves away from the legs on the inhale and rests further down with the exhale.
To come up use the exhalation to drop into the heels, slowly opening up into Tadasana.
Take a resting breath and repeat sequence..... (Rocking up onto feet/arms up etc).
Finish and complete with Namaste hands in Tadasana.