ESTA SUMMER COURSE 11th - 16th August 2019 Chichester UK
This type of Yoga is about grounding and releasing the body through the breath to find freedom. The body has a natural intelligence when we are able to get ourselves out of the way. This can release us from our habitual patterns of tension and stress in both the body and the mind.
I believe all body work enhances our ability to practice and perform effectively and I feel that Yoga has the added beauty and benefit of the “breath” as its main focus and point of reference. There is great power for change in the breath. I practice and teach breath work that organically and automatically leads us to a place of meditation which is a crucial part of self awareness/development.
I propose to work with very gentle postures and sequences that inform the body and give us choice as we wake up our awareness.
These are the core principles;
Exploring gravity, working with grounding to find the line of gravity in standing and sitting. Optimum position in relationship to gravity and our instruments brings us immense freedom.
Tensegrity – exploring the relationship between tension and release. Being able to return to the still point. Working with the body not against it!
Releasing hips and shoulder joints to find space and freedom in movement.
Working with the breath. Exploring tension and release that exists in everything through gentle breath work that we can use in times of stress (performance anxiety).
Exploring our breath in relationship to the spine – awaking and releasing the spine.
Finding our core – we learn to unfold and open from the inside out; this brings freedom and ease to movement.
Exploring the circle of wholeness – left to right connection. Whole body integration.
Finding stillness in movement and movement in stillness through breath work/meditation